About the Program
The STEP UP program personalizes workforce development and career coaching. Participants can expect job training, educational services, personalized job search assistance, and one-on-one support from a coach. Individuals can earn stipends and financial assistance by working towards their goals.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is eligilble for Step-Up?
Anyone who is over the age of 16 and receives SNAP benefits is eligible for the program.
What is the time commitment?
All participants are required to complete 4 hours of workforce development per month. If a participant does not have dependents and is able bodied, they must complete 20 hours a month. However, participants can go over that as much as they desire. If participants reach the 4 hours each month, they will receive a check from DHR for participating in the program.
How do i enroll?
Contact Kaylie Denny at [email protected] to set up an intake meeting.
Can you pay my bills?
We can help you overcome barriers that hinder career development, but unfortunately, we can't just pay all of your bills.
What does the program entail?
The Step-Up program will look different for each participant as it is tailored to your unique needs. However, you can expect topics from modules such as: Outline Dreams and Goals, Personal and Financial Growth, Set Direction forFuture, Learn Job Skills, Enroll in a Program of Choice, Find Career.
How can you help me get around the challenges i face in job hunting?
STEP UP is committed to breaking the barriers to self-sufficiency. From help obtaining GEDs, college degrees, and trade certifications; to assistance with gas cards and childcare, STEP UP will help eliminate obstacles between you and your career.