About the program
Baby TALK is a Parent Advocacy Program designed to encourage parents in the nurturing of small children. It provides activities and information on basic development during the first three years of life. It also encourages literacy, provides hospital visits, distributes books to parents, publishes a newsletter, and provides other nurturing activities.
MissionBaby TALK seeks to positively impact child development and to nurture healthy parent-child relationships during the critical early years.
The program curriculum has been developed over time as a result of a thoughtful combination of research and study, tempered by thousands of experiences with parents and children. It is designed to be used in ways that make sense for your community, the families served, and your growing opportunities. Baby T.A.L.K. is funded by Children's Trust Fund of Alabama www.ctf.alabama.gov |
Developmental NewslettersUse these newsletters as resources for how to engage with your baby. All materials are property of Baby Talk Inc.
Contact Us
Call 205.302.0801 for more information.